Sunday, September 03, 2006

Vestment Colors

Depending upon what season the Orthodox Church is in e.g. Great Lent, Advent Fast, Pascha or the summer feasts, the Church places great emphasis on which color vestment is to be worn by the Priest, Deacon, and Alter servers. There are 6 basic groups:
1. The group of Feasts and days commemorating Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Prophets, the Apostles and the Holy Hierarchs. Vestment color: Gold (yellow) all shades.

2. The group of Feasts and days commemorating the Most Holy Mother of God, the Bodiless Powers and Virgins. Vestment color: Light Blue and White.

3. The group of Feasts and days commemorating Martyrs. Red.

4. The group of Feasts and days commemorating Monastic Saints, Ascetics and Fools for Christ. Vestment color. Green.

5. The group of Feasts and days commemorating the Cross of Our Lord. Vestment color. Purple or dark Red.

6. During Lenten periods, the Vestment colors are: Dark Blue, Dark Green, Dark Red and Black. This last color is used essentially for the days of Great Lent.

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