Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Maine: Rockland- independent gubernatorial candidate Barbara Merrill proposed state-financed passenger train service between Portland and Montreal, with an onboard casino to help fund the service. She calls it the "Maine to Montreal High Roller."


Alaska: Barrow- Researchers report an abundance of snowy owls on the North Slope. They say it's the owls' most productive summer in at least 15 years, with their vigor tied to a boom in the population of lemmings. The rodents compose 95% of the owls' diet.


FYI courtesy of: USA Today's segment: "Across the USA."

1 comment:

Tom Carten said...

DK reported: It's the owls' most productive summer in at least 15 years, with their vigor tied to a boom in the population of lemmings.

Uh, I'll stick with Viagara, thanks.