Saturday, September 02, 2006

Mao, Just a Footnote?

Just read an interesting piece of information in the New York Times. Communist China is revising its History books. Yes, revising them; or at least in the city of Shanghai. As an Historian I found this article to be very interesting. According to the author; the new text will place more of an emphasis on current Western trends e.g. economics, technology, social customs, and globalization. By China adopting these trends it will mean that she will only benefit from this change and become an even more powerful global player both economically an politically. According to Zhu Xuequin, a professor of History at Shanghai University: "The new history is less ideological, and that suits the political goals of today."
So, will Mao be reduced to a mere footnote on the bottom page of China's history books? Time will certainly tell.

1 comment:

Tom Carten said...

I've got his Little Red Book, which I obtained from Radio Peking about 1960.