Tuesday, September 12, 2006


California: Sacramento-Gov. Schwarzenegger signed legislation making it an infraction to take more than 25 copies of a free newspaper to recycle it or prevent people from reading it. The measure is a response to several incidents in which large numbers of free newspapers were taken from news boxes. In one case, the entire press run of the Chula Vista Star was taken on three occasions and sold to recyclers in Mexico.


Pennsylvaina: Pittsburgh-Allegheny County officials said they've seen an increase in the number of unclaimed bodies at the medical examiner's office. Last year, 59 bodies went unclaimed and could not be identified through police work, nearly double the number five years ago, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported.

A new meaning to "Unclaimed freight?"

1 comment:

Tom Carten said...

Unclaimed Freight not uncommon even here. When you see the notices in the paper asking "anyone knowing relatives of the deceased," all too often (a) nobody calls, or (b) someone calls and says, "We don't want him" and hangs up.