Friday, February 09, 2007

Hello All Fellow Lesbians!

I've always been fascinated how people use words without knowing their true meaning. For example, the the use of the word "Lesbos." I've heard certain kids around the campus here at college refer it to female homosexuality. In reality, however, the word Lesbos is really "an island of Greece, 632 square miles in area, in the Aegean off the western coast of Turkey."* A native or resident of Lesbos are commonly referred to as Lesbian(s).
In all fairness, though, if one does look at the fourth meaning of (small l) lesbian it does say:"Relating to, or characteristic of female homosexuals."
I think that we have to be a little bit more consious and take the time to look in a good Dictionary to find out the true meaning(s) of our english language.

*Text taken from the: The American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language. New College Edition

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