Wednesday, February 28, 2007


K and I went shopping for groceries last week. Our food bill came out to $18.41 in change. I gave the young female cashier a 20 and as she was counting out my change I thought out loud: "Hmm... 1841 was a good year. With somewhat of a perplexed look, the cashier said: "What did you say?" Well anyway, here is a little taste of what happened in 1841.

08/21: John Hampson patents the venetian blind.
03/22: Cornstarch is patented by Orlando Jones.
12/31: Alabama becomes the first state to license dental surgeons.
04/20: The first detective store is published. Edgar Alan Poe's:"Murders in the Rue Morgue."
09/09: Great Lakes Steamer "Erie" sinks off Silver Creek NY, killing 300.
06/24: Fordham University (then St. John's College), opens in the Bronx.

Born: George Melville, popular explorer and naval engineer.
Died: President William Henry Harrison. He was the first president to die in office.

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