Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Kitchen Lingo

I have had the pleasure to work in the Food Service industry for about ten years of my life. As with all other professions in the world, we had our own second language; "kitchen lingo" if you will. Here are some real gems that I have remembered over the years:

guerilla= grilled chichen breast

for the squabs= child's menu

behind you, coming through, or watch your back--all mean the same thing...DON'T MOVE!

your mama= the dumpster

radar love= microwave it!

"kill it"= to cook the hell out of it

deep six= throw it away

make it happen!!!= do whatever it takes to give the chef what he needs

pay the bills= pick up the food

pre-meal= deadline to meet

"go get another case of 69's"= 3 compartmented aluminum foil homebound feeding trays. The ref. to #69 is just the code on the box. AFHFT #69

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