Thursday, November 02, 2006

And Top 3 excuses Are...

Most Orthodox choral singers are simply not passionate about singing. We claim to have the "fullness of the Faith" ,which includes a rich tradition of liturgical music and chants, but we don't seem to care about it at all. I have been choir directing for the past 18 years and have become witness to this. So here we go with the top 3 Orthodox choral singers excuses for not singing prayerfully:

1) "We're not professional singers so deal with it."

My response to this is that I would necessarily not want a classically trained operatic soprano, for example, blaring out shrieks of a Cherubic Hymn soprano line only to draw attention to herself. Don't get me wrong, as they're probably many professional musicians who are of the Orthodox Faith who do prayerfully sing in their home choir. Ya don't have to be trained to sing sweet melodies to our Lord! It's an EXCUSE! According to the Abridged Typicon (proper order in Church book) it says: "Executing liturgical music in a shouted tone of the secular songs, or the passionate operatic tones, does not give those who are praying a chance to concentrate nor grasp the content and meaning of the hymns."

2) tardiness. I don't think that I have ever had all my choir members at the start of the Divine Liturgy! Having said that, it does not look favorably on me or them as well. They don't take their ministry with any seriousness. Also, it shows the lack of respect for God, those who came early and are trying to pray, and the choir director. Which leads to...

3) Lack of Self Discipline: If one can get ready and be on time for work, why not apply this to Church. Plan accordingly, set the alarm clock at least a half-hour back. I bet half, if not all Orthodox "slackers" do this for their secular job.

Oh...By the way, I tell my choir members to listen to African American Gospel music. Gospel music is "alive" "fresh" and soulful; not slow, lifeless, and dull sounding as are some of our choirs sound.

To be fair, though, there are many outstanding Orthodox Choir's around the country.


Tom Carten said...

Tardiness ... Lack of self-discipline.

I heard a priest, years ago, tell me that "you can do anything that you want to."

If you want to be on time, you can. If you want to have everything in place, in order, you can.

You manage to get to the airport on time. You are able to remember your cruise tickets, passport and other necessities when heading for the ship.

You can do it if you want to. If it's important to you. But only if.

Reading Reader said...

Our priest says that singing is another way of praising God. God gave ya that voice for something, so use it! Our Roman Catholic church is surprisingly vocal, with at least four or five choirs and a singing congregation...a rarity. I like the Moravians, too...they sing LOUD...and mostly in tune.
Hope your choir realizes how important their voices are....
