Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Salem Witch Burnings?

Q: Did you realize that no witches were burned in Salem?

Yes. Everyone knows about the burning times, the period of history when witchcraft hype gripped parts of Europe and North America. Popular media has created the image of witches being burned at the stake, which still persists today. In fact, though many of the accused, men and women, were actually hanged (or executed by other means).

Salem Witch Trial Victims:

June 10, 1692
Bridget Bishop

July 19
Rebecca Nurse
Susanne Martin
Elizabeth Howe
Sarah Good
Sarah Wildes

August 19
George Jacobs Sr.
Martha Carrier
George Burroughs
John Proctor
John Willard

September 19
Giles Corey (pressed to death)

September 22
Martha Corey
Margaret Scott
Mary Eastly
Alice Parker
Ann Pudeator
Wilmont Reed
Samuel Wardwell
Mary Parker

And of course, the final irony of the Witch Burnings is that just because these people were accused of witchcraft, did not make them all witches. It's believed that most of those who died were actually upstanding Christians, just like their accusers.

So when talking about history, make sure to use "Salem Witch Trials" rather than the "Witch Burnings at Salem."

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